Santa Teresa
The same day as Anna went home we took the bus with Andrey to Santa Teresa and spent some days at the beach.
On the boat
During our trip we ate many bananas
We went to a catarata near montezuma beach
it was really nice to swim in water without salt
You are my best friends!!!

I love you all and you will always be in my mind!!!! I hate that we live so far away from each other. Saying goodbye to you again was so hard tonight, i am going to cry when the airplane is going to lift tomorrow!!!
PUSS to all of you!
Our first week in Costa Rica!!!!
At Arlanda
Fofo, Helene y Jaime en Plaza de la Cultura en San Jose
Teatero Nacional
Playa Punta Uva en Puerto Viejo
We went to the carribean coast during christmas. Here we are eating icecream and fruit.
drinking pipa de coco
at Vero´s place
Mau drinking glogg
drinking glogg at 4 in the morning
que borrachos...
Höstpromenad i solen!

Weekend in Lund
Last weekend Emma and I went to Lund and visited Helene and Ivan. We had a really good time, nice warm weather, like summer. On saturady we went to the forest a nature reserve outside Lund. We took a bus half an hour and walked a liong way for many hours. We found some blackberries in the forest, it was the first ttime I picked that. We went to a fishpond and had some fika, when we sat there I saw a pear tree and got so happy! So we brought many with us home. On the way home we also found a applretree and brought some apples too.
After the long day in the nature, where we very tierd and we ate some dinner and went out to the astrionomytower to see the strars in telescope, but it was closed. So we went home and made a applecake.
On Sunday we had a calm day. We spent time in the sun in the park, my friend Amanda came. In the afternoon Ivan went and played some lacrosse. And of course we had some fika the night. Emma and i made a bananacake!
Always when we are together we eat so much food!
Roadtrip in Sweden
For two weeks in august we have been traveling around in Sweden together visiting eachother. From the south in Ystad up to the north in Jokkmokk. We have seen many beautiful and different places, open landscapes, woods, lakes, seas, archipelago and mountain. Many paradise places!! We had a really full scedule, it was really funny and we kept smiling all the time.
I met Ivan in Norrköping and we drove down to Småland, to Mönsterås and picked up Helene. The car was really full with Ivans and Helenes things for Lund. First days we were in the south of Sweden, in Lund, Malmö and Ystad. We met Anna for fika in Malmö and spent some time in Karins house in Ystad. We went swimming in the sea and had a little private party together (Ivan, Karin, Helene and me).
The next day we went to Växjö and picked upp Olivia. We slept in Annas beautiful house in the woods in småland and walked around in the area were she grew up.
We went swimming again and jumped a lot. We had a short visit in Helenes house and ate some dinner before we took the boat to Gotland.
We went over the day to my summerhouse, Emma joined us but Karin and Anna went home from Visby. After that e slept 3 hours in Stockholm before the long way uop to Jokkmokk. We drove for about 15 hours.
We (Olivia, Ivan, Helene and me) had some beatiful days up in the north outside jokkmokk in the beatuful nature with Ivans family. We went fishing, walking, swimming eating so much blueberries!!
After four days in jokkmokk we took the night train down to Falun, Olivia dodnt come with us she went down to Linköping. Emma came from stockholm joined us. We went to främby (framby had chanched!) and had some fika, our plan was to take a swim in Runn but it was too cold. We had a party on saturaday with some of the families; Ivans, Helenes and olivias eating a lot of food. On sunday we went to Sundborn with Olivias and helenes family. I also went up to my house visting my family.
We have started our roadtrip in Sweden together. For the m oment we are six in Annas house in Virserum. Anna, Ivan, Helene, Olivia, Karin and Frida. We started our trip for 3 days ago. Yesterday we met Anna O in Malmö and then we went to Ystad to Karins house. Today we are going to the beach and then we are going with boat to Gotland.
PUSSAR from us!
Vi saknar er och älskar er!!!!!!!
Lofoten and Abisko
I few weeks ago I went to north of Sweden and Norway with my parents. We went to Lofoten in Norway and then to Abisko in Sweden for two weeks. I saw the midnight sun for the first time, it was incredible. walking around outside at twelve o'clock in the night and still it was daylight.
Here are some pictures:
I was in the black area
Norway- Lofoten area
Dried fish
Midnight sun
Back to Sweden, Abisko and the small mountains...
Rissajaure -"Trollsjön". One of the most visibility lakes in the world.
Lapporten - Abisko
You are always on my mind!
Dear Friends!
I started to look back in time, on our six months together. I read what we have written on the blog and in my diary, it was so nice to remember everything. Remember our friendship that we had and that we still have!! I remember our last days together, when we cried, laugh and hugged each other in a big circle. When we at 03.30 in the morning started to dance around the midsummer pole, singing "små grodorna" for the last time.
I still miss you so much! Now when the spring is here i remember our time in Falun, when we were at kolgårn, played kubb and brännboll. When we saw Eurovision song contest at annas and veros house, do you remeber the spanish song? On Saturday it is Eurovision again. When we saw football together at arenan. Our educational days! I have so many happy memories with you!
You are my best friends! I never forget when we did the thing with Leo in Sundborn, when he talked about our friendship and we were in a circle and hold our hands. And then we turned around and he said that we still are going to have this friendship, but we are not going to be together anymore, that was hard to understand. When I think of it i feel sad. Now we are in that situation, we are so far away from each other but we still have contact, i am so happy of that! i hope we continue in that way.
Now I don't know what to write. I just wanted to say hello and that I miss you all and you are always on my mind! Hope to hear from you soon!
Pussar och kramar!!!!!!!
Påsken i Växjö 2009

We sat for a while in the sun eating ice-cream
We saw a beautiful white duck
It was hard to come up and sit on this thing...
Emma fell off...
finally we are sitting safe!
Here are before Emma and I put the "påskägg" outside in the garden.
Looking for the eggs...
Mine was in the bush!
Anna are close!
Here we are with our eggs!
I blowed out six eggs so it just was the shell left. After that we were supose to paint the eggs and put them in our easter decoration of a sprig of twigs decked with coloured feathers
One of the eggs cracked when i blowed...
Here you can see our easter decoration of a sprig of twigs decked with coloured eggs.
We painted boiled eggs too, before we ate them.
My chicken!
Happy easter!
We found some big eggs in the town...
Significa mas o menos como Feliz (Semana) Santa!

SNÖDROPPAR = Snowdrops

I am not sure of the name of this flower i think its Gulgäck? maybe someone know the name of this flower?

Kramar de estocolmo
Hello my friends!
How are you doing?
Today it's a sunny day in Stockholm, the birds are singing and I am happy that finally the dark period is gone! Today its vårdagjämning/vernal equinox/ equinoccio de primavera. The day and night are equal long and the light is coming back!
I have been thinking this week what to write and I still don't know. These weeks I have been thinking about my future. I still don't know what to do and what I'm going to do next semester. If I'm going to continue work or start studying, but I'm still not sure what I want to study. I hate to take decisions. Me, Anna and Helene have been thinking of going back to Costa Rica this winter in Dec/Jan. Hopefully it will happen soon we are going to decide, but it's really expensive!
Tonight I will meet Emma. She is on a visit in Stockholm, it's going to be so fun to meet her after some weeks and hear what is happening in her life. This weekend it's also reunion at kärsögården with CIU, but no one of us are going.
Besos, pussar, abrazoz y kramar para todos! Take care!
A few days ago it was a beautiful sunset from the window
know more about your life..
I am so tired that nobody is writing on the blog, give comments, are someone reading!?? I have been thinking and it would be good and funny if everyone of us write about one day in our life, just what we are doing, thinking and feeling and maybe put up some pictures also. I mean i have no idea how a normal day in your life look like (and what is happening in your life), I think it would be really nice. Just write what you are doing.
What do you think?
Please write!!
or perhaps we just give up this blog...
i will not give up!
Meeting Helena
A few days ago Helena came to Stockholm to see AC/DC at Globen. I met Helena for some hours for lunch. It was nice to hear about everything in Falun and Arenan. I felt that I really miss Falun and the people at Arenan and just being with you (the group). Another group Sweden/India exchange are coming next month and are going to be at Arenan.
Helena miss you all and she hopes you all are doing well!
Funny weekend in the south of Sweden!
This weekend we ate a lot of food, you can see that on the pictures... It was a really funny too meet karin, Anna, Juana, Helene and Emma. Every time when i meet someone from the exchange i feel so good and happy afterwards. It's like walking around on clouds the days after (swedish expression). And then i feel alone again...FirstnightinLund
The old church in Lund
Meeting Anna at the indian resaturant in MalmöEating icecream, bananas and chocolate in Juanas apartment
Thinking a lot while playing the game när och fjärran.
We miss you!
At Inkonst
Eating brunch at Glassfabriken Eating candy...
Hej då!
I will put up some photos from the weekend!
/ Frida
Do you remember when we Swedes made the Swedish semla in Puerto Jiménez. When we tried to find the Swedish whip cream which is very hard to find when you are abroad. And fofo he made the mandelmassa (almond cream?). And we all ate it at Juanas and Maus place, and we also ate the costarican thing. What was the name? Tonight we bought it and ate it for the first time. It something that we have here in Sweden from middle of January to March.
This is how they should look and taste like, this is the best semla in town. it melts in the mouth. I really recommend this place if you come too Stockholm during season for semlor...