Visita en Alicante!
Fofo på besök
CIU fest
The costa rica flag
The first snow on the way home...
El otoño!
Hola amigos!
How are you? I'm fine, now i have quit my job and are having wonderful holidays until i start study in the end of august. I still dont know what to do with life but i hope to know it soon... It is so hard to decide what i want to do and work with when i get older. If any of you have suggestions please tell me!!
Here are some photos from midsommar some days ago, do you remember when we sang "små grodorna, små grodorna är lustiga att se..."
Reunion in Linköping
Nästan alla var samlade på vår träff i Linköping som vi hade för några helger sedan. Som vanligt blev det mycket ätande. PÅ löraden var det fest i Olivias korridor med tema exoitk. Här kommer lite bilder från helgen. Nästa gång hoppas jag på att alla kommer, kanske kan det då bli första gången efter utbytets slut?! Kristi himmlesfärd??
The last days together!
All togehter!!!!
On the way to la isla Ometepe
Alla hjärtans dag!
Taking a winter swim!
Valentine's kisses!
Patacones y frijoles! I miss tico food!!!
Puerto jimenez is still for me one of the most beautiful places on the earth
We had almoust a week in puerto jimenez, visiting our housrtfamilies. It was really nice and I wanted to stay longer, but we didnt have time. Next time i am going to stay longer. =) We went to Playa preciosa two days one day with my sister Angelica and the other day with Annas sister Mariella, its still so beautiful.
"Den orörda stranden" finns kvar.
One of the first days the children asked when we were going to paint the playground again, we were thinking of doing it, but we didnt have time and color for doing it.
One night we ate beside salon communal. Helene orderd a vegetarian pizza, but we found some ham on it. I told the waitress and she said no there is no ham. We showed her and she said but ist so little, it doesn´t matter. I wanted her to say we can do a new pizza for you, but she did not. So i decided to take more ham from Annas pizza and put it on Helenes before we left the place...
On the way home from Playa preciosa, singing ¿Que vas hacer esta noche? te invito a ser feliz, iremos a la luna, la ruta dímela tú...
making patacones for dinner
We went with my family to playa guanabana (on the way to Matapalo) we met Olivias and Jaimes family there.
The best family ever! I was so happy to meet them again, my family were also so happy to have me there. I really feel that I have another family on the other side of the atlantic ocean
Last night we invited our families for dinner at Monkeys. Here we are all together.
La chica loca Karin 24!
Happy Birthday!
Compartiendo experiencias / Sharing experiences
Hej Hola! Sin duda el programa de intercambio representa una experiencia de crecimiento personal y entendimiento del mundo para el desarrollo de habilidades y respeto a las diferencias. Anécdotas, momentos difíciles y de alegría fueron vividos en cada etapa del programa. Después de casi 10 anos de aprender de ustede ...s y sobre todo entender lo valioso de su experiencia he tomado una interesante decisión de realizar un libro que refleje esta experiencia. Cuando hablo de cada uno de ustedes me refiero por supuesto a costarricenses y suecos. He creado este grupo en facebook para que todos ustedes puedan descargar fotografías, videos y demás para recordar y mantener nuestras experiencias y al mismo tiempo me ayuden a tomar de esto las mejores experiencias de cada uno de los grupos y experiencias personales. La mecánica es la siguiente: 1. Intenten de invitar a todos tus amigos ticos y suecos para ir creciendo la cantidad de miembros. 2. Cuando tengan la mayor cantidad de miembros de su generación como miembros del grupo discutan (para variar) a. En que ayudo el programa para su desarrollo personal?. b. Como ve el mundo después de la participación en el programa?. c. Cuales son experiencias mas especiales como grupo en Suecia y Costa Rica? d. Por que creen que el programa pudo o puede ayudar a lograr la promoción de la paz y el respeto entre culturas?. La idea es que todas las ideas personales y de grupo sean compartidas en el grupo de facebook y vistas por todos las generaciones. Igualmente los invitamos a descargar fotografías y videos. Conforme avancemos en el tiempo al final escogeré las mejores fotografías para incluirlas en el libro y de la misma forma las experiencias por grupo y algunas personales, esto junto a nuestra experiencia. Espero que esta iniciativa les guste y al mismo tiempo puedan colaborar. Es increíble y estoy agradecido que Dios me diera la oportunidad de dirigir tantos intercambios de forma consecutiva y conocer tantas personas y lugares especiales.
Buena Suerte! Lycka Till!
Leonardo Morales
Hej Hola! Without any doubt the interchange program represents a experience of personal growth and understanding of the world for the development of abilities and respect the differences. Anecdotes, difficult and joy moments were lived in each stage of the program. After almost 10 years learning from each of you and mainly to understand the valuable thing of its experience I have made an interesting decision to realize a book that reflects this experience. When I speak of each of you I by all means refer Swedish and Costa Ricans. I have created this group in facebook so that all you can unload photographs, videos and others to remember and to maintain our experiences and at the same time help me to take from this the best experiences of each one of the groups and personal experiences. The mechanic is the following one: 1. Try to invite to all ticos and Swedish friendly to be growing the amount of members. 2. When they have the greater amount of member members of its generation as of the group discuss: a. In which way the program help you for your personal development?. b. H do you see the world after participation in the program?. c. Which are the most remembering experiences as group in Sweden and Costa Rica? d. How do you think the program helps promote the peace and the respect between cultures?. The main idea is that all the personal ideas, and of group ones are shared in the group of facebook and seen by all the generations. We invited you to unload photographs and videos. Forward I will choose the best pictures to include them in the book and same time the group experiences and personals. I hope at joint this initiative and can collaborate. It is incredible, I am been thankful that God presented to me the opportunity to direct so many interchanges of consecutive form and meet so many special people and places.
Good Luck! Lycka Till!
Leonardo Morales
Do you remember this?
Måndag 16 Juni 2008
Utbytta möttes i Falun.
Luis 20 años, 17 october
Crabman celebrates his birthday today!
Damn, you're getting old man!
25 next year, see ya in da cabin up north!
Liten har blivit stor, Eylin 19 år!
Jaime 19!
Vad är det för en dag?
Det firar vi lite extra när vi ses nästa vecka :)