Tarde o temprano...las cosas se dan solas
Hola hola!!!
How's everybody??? :)
It's been a lot of time since I don't know much about all of you, and so you don't know much about me. Well the thing it's that I've been a little busy with school and work, but finally I found a break to say hello and keep you post.
Nowadays I'm studying a post grade on International Commerce and this month I will be celebrating my graduation on International Relations Bachelor. School has got harder. But, if everything goes well, I'll finish this year. That's why i won't make it to Sweden yet. I'm sad about it, but I rather to finish with school first.
Other than that, I got fired from work. Yeap, it's kind of disappointing but I think it was the best decision for both sides. Some months ago, I started to think that I finished my process there and it was time to look for better opportunities, but I didn't want to quit job because it meant losing the money from my "labor settlement". Luckily they took initiative and now I will have the opportunity to work with something related to what I studied for and I will get the money! hehehe. So I'm now a job hunter hehe, just hope it' will come as soon as possible...I'm looking forward!
Being at home feels strange. I got used to go to work, then school, then home, then work, then school and then home every day of the week. Now that I have more time to myself, I don't know what to do with it, maybe some days at the beach, or just lying on the bed…lazy girl! I know but I now I needed this for a long time ago. And as the song says:
För det ordnar sig, det gör det alltid,
jo, det löser sig, så brukar allt bli,
det kommer fixa sig till slut,
det är inget tvivel om, fast nu känns skiten sur,
och flera mil ifrån, det ordnar sig.
So, what about you? Hope you all are just great. I really miss you all, and hope to see you soon. Here y let you some pictures from this last months...
The sexy werewolf! Mascaradas at Barva.
Festival Imperial 2012. We went to see Maroon 5, Cipress Hill, Manchester Orchesta and others...it was amazing!
I almost died when I saw Adam Levine so closed to me :D
Celebrating my birthday at Playa Bandera. With Grettel, my sister in law :)
Juanito el goloso
Beautiful sunset at Playa Bandera
Fika with the most lovely friends ever...
Aren't the adorable?
Love these two!
Vivi, my best friend and I :)
Party time...
We are sexy and we know it...
Some friends and I
Josué...nice guy.
Love you all!
Feliz Día de San Valentín

Time to think about my life...
Hi everybody!
It’s been a long time without blogging…but I have to admit that I am always pending on what is happening here, it's just that I was a bit lazy-busy to sit down and tell you what have happened with my life.
In June I had my "school vacations" and they were pretty bored, more than I expected. My plans to clear my mind and travel a bit didn’t go as I wanted, I had to work, so I stayed at home, resting in the little spare time and doing things, but close to Heredia.
The school semester started again and it’s currently a month and a half to finish college. It feels so weird, I do not know if I am really tired or semester is hard, but I feel it heavier than ever, and the anxiety does not help me finish it. I count the days to finish everything.
On the other hand I am very well, my family too, but no baby from my sister...buuuu! At this point I feel more desperate to be aunt than my sister and brother in law to be parent lol.
Another thing that steals my dream is what am i going to do with my life after university, I've thought about taking a postgraduate course at the university, although this option does not motivate me much, I've also been considering the idea of studying languages, I don't rule out to study another career or start looking for internships abroad or volunteer work, it would help a lot in my curriculum, I think the problem is all the options I have and I cannot decide for one. I also thought about leaving the nest, I think I'm starting to need my space and have my own apartment, but this option will depend a lot on what I’ll do with school and work, now I'm very happy with my work and that is another anchor point that I have ...
Returning to the updates, there's bad news, at least for those who remember my beloved Malpais band, Ivan could remember because once we went with Nella, Johan and my parents to a concert in Barva park. Well, the point is that the singer died in September. Fidel Gamboa who was also the composer of the group died at the age of 52 after giving a concert in Heredia and because of a heart attack. For obvious reasons, the group decided not to pursue more with Malpaís... sad!
But back again, happy to updates, this time I leave some photos of the Independence Day of Costa Rica and a ride some of the Ticos did to INBioparque, an institute that studies biodiversity and is also a kind of park of attractions.
This is the parade schools organized on Parque de Diversiones, on September 15th, they played really good music.
After the show it was time to have a little fun!
Some of the Ticos at InbioParque...
A big kiss to everyone! Hope to see you soon ...
nu, jag kan pratar lite svenska! :)
...and my sister got married :)

Un saludo navideño...
Hej Hej! Merry Christmas my lovely friends!!! And thanks to Helen for your pictures from the snow…brrrrrr, it seems to be cold in Sweden. Here it’s cold too, well it’s 16 degrees hehehe, but it isn’t usual for us… you know how it works here ;)
So I took a time to tell you a little about what is going on with me...
As I told you, I went to Panama with School. It was great!!! A very nice experience I would like to do again, but by airplane! 'cause 17hours sitting in a bus is not so nice for your ass...cri cri… :D
We had a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce of Panama, they gave us a conference about their economy and how it works in Panama, everything goes around services; the Panama Canal makes the country to live of logistics, imports and exports… We also went to the Canal and visited the locks. And of course, we also had fun!
My sister's wedding is getting closer, it feels weird, but we are very happy for her. By the way, I also have some pictures for her bridal shower…
I’m pretty fine, my family is growing old, as all of us I guess…my cousin’s son, Leo’s son, is two years old now, I remember at Falun when he told me his Wife was pregnant, now that small child takes all my energy every time I see him, he is sooo cute!!!
Some days ago I got my temporary driver’s license :) I’m so happy!!! Now, I have 3 months to practice a lot and then I’ll do like a “practical exam”, if I pass…then I’ll get my real drivers license, soooo, now Marce is on the road!
Well, now you know how I am...I miss you guys! Hope you all are fine...write back! or come back! that would be better :)
Puss puss y mucho amor!
It’s been so long since I don’t write on the blog…
Today I didn’t go to work, I’m sick with a really bad flu and I had to take the day off. I’m in bed getting bored and trying to rest…..rest??? hehe I just can’t do it!!! So, I decided to do what I’m always trying to…and yes! There you are!!! : ) some time for the blog!
So: Hello there! Now it’s been soooo long since I don’t write here…well, I’ll recognize I’ve been lazy to make it. But I’m always thinking about you…
Let’s see, the last time was in…April!!! Oooops! Hehe. So you know Emma came to visit us and it was lovely : ) we had a reunion to meet all the ticos, and went to La Fortuna to visit Arenal Volcano….ah! we also went to the movies to watch a Tico movie (Emma I’m sorry for that mistake! It was awful a complete disaster!!! Hehehe…I’m so ashamed about it) it was the worst movie I ever seen…But in fact, it felt like being back in time: TACK MIN BLODE KAKERLACKA! I can’t wait to see you again…And of course I’ll love to see the others too.
This last months went fast, lots of things to do. My grandmother had her 80th Birthday so we had a big family party; it was nice to meet all the relatives I don’t meet so often. I went back to school and again lots of homework and little time to make them; and I got a new job, luckily it’s close to the university and where I live so it’s easy to move around everything with a stretch schedule…
This month is our “patriotic month” we celebrate the Costa Rica’s Independence with parades in every community, I’m looking forward for that day : ) I like it…and I’ll have another family party. On November I’m going to Panama with the school, it will be lots of fun, I’ll tell you later how it went….
So, who will be the next one writing on the blog??? Miss you guys! Hope to read from you soon…Besitos a todos!!!

a la espera...de algo...muy...muy...LINDO!!!
y volver a vivir lo maravilloso de la amistad...una amistad que soporta distancias y tiempo...una de las de verdad.
I remember we promised each other we were going to meet again 5 years after the exchange...it won't be like that. But it will be much better!!!
I'm just...HAPPY! can't believe it :)
I also went to Nicaragua! :)
Hoooooola! As some of you knew I went to Nicaragua with my boyfriend in January, here are some pics from our trip. It was a really nice experience...You should go there someday (Girls! you already went!!!)
Masaya, where we were staying:
The place where you take the buses to go everywhere,
it's in the back of the Mercado Viejo, really nasty...
Angel y yo en la Laguna de Apoyo
In Granada...
such a beautiful place:
My all-life dream came true for a while :) we went to Ireland!!!
...and we couldn't miss the irish beer hehe
We also went to Managua, and walked around, Angel was more excited than me to go around. But I was tired, my shoes were not apropiated to walk, it was really really hot and we didn't have time enough to do it. So we stayed close to the bus station:
La Catedral Metropolitana, really nice from outside, inside I didn't like it...
This place was sooooo polluted,
I just could think about what could happen if you fall down there...Aaaauuuuch!!!
And in the way back to Costa Rica...
I hope you liked the pictures...
Miss you all babes! Pussar para todos
Guess What!?
Comienzan las vacaciones!!! :)
Hej Hej! Läget everybody?
Finally I have finished school and it feels so good to be free of books, homeworks, tests, projects and so on.
So now is time to be lazy, go partying and spend time with friends. Now I'm focusing on myself and I decided to apply for the driver license...sooooo, i'll be practicing a lot :) Hope I won't crash the car he he.
Last saturday we had the last exam, and this is what my classmates and I did (probably you will meet the one with glasses, he lived in Sweden and speaks Svesnka)
Jose Alonso, the "swedish" friend....and Dani
We look so funny! XD
we were having lots of fun, it suposed we were working he he
That's all folks!
Miss you!
A nice weekend with friends :)

It has a beautiful backyard

and a small bridge by the gardens

Some of my friends saying Hello!

This was the most cosy place of the house, even more at night....

My friend Diana making some Café, we needed something to warm up ;)

Vivi and Román, really nice friends!

He is Esteban, the one who was celebrating his birthday

A love this pic, all the boys singing "Un amigo es una Luz" to Esteban.
They do it for each birthday, is kind of a ritual

Then "Popi" (the one with the guitar) started to sing, his sings really
really really nice.

And Vivi, one of my best friends...
These coming 2 weeks are really really hard in school, so now I need to study a lot.
Hope to know about you soon...miss you!!!!
Feliz Triste Aniversario!!!

Con mucho mucho mucho mucho amor!!!!
Hälsningar på min köttbullar!!!

Eso era todo! solo queria saludar...MUUUUUUUUUUAK!
and I'm back, Oh yes!
As some of you know, the rain has come already. The days are gray and a little bit sad, but it's nice to stay at home and fall sleep with the sound of the rain. It's also nice to walk down the rain sometimes, when you know you're going right home, to change your clothes and just watch TV or read something. I think we had a long dry season, I almost don't remember a year with a sunny April; and well, it was good. Now it's time to give the chance to the rainy season :)
School is almost over. These 3 coming weeks are the last ones and the hardest. But then, some vacations to recover and get the energy for the rest of the year :) Uuuuuuuuuuuh I'm looking forward for a whole week waking up late! He he...
This week we had the national football championship and this time the finalists were HEREDIA! and Liberia (from Guanacaste), two totally different teams from the ones of always, Saprissa and La Liga. So, it was crazy, people walking around, or by car, all dressed up with red and yellow clothes (from Heredia of course!), shops giving discounts to people who could show something of Heredia team. Ha ha ha! That was really funny; it's crazy what people do to sell. The bad thing was that Heredia lost!!! :( buuuuuuuuuu!!!
Finally I've talked to Emma: la Castaña Araña! You look guapilla with that hair color! He he. But now I don't know how to call you, cause I always said macha, so I think I'll change to exmacha wuahahaha!!!...I miss you a lot!!! It was really nice to talk to you at least for a while.
About the others...Hmmmm, what can YOU say??? I know it's hard to say something, I'm here seating in front of the computer almost collapsing, cause it's hard to know what would you like to know, or if you want to know it he he...Well, I hope at least you'll read this and remember me for a moment. I always do it! Like today, Jason Mraz was in the Costa Rican news, they were saying he's here having some vacations, and he's down in Corcovado! He he, just next to where we lived together...Oh yes!
I miss you babes! TONS! And I'm just waiting for December, to see you again...I promise I'll try to find more things to tell...It's just that life now it's a little boring. It'll get better...
Ah! this is something I found in my computer he he...it's me, when I was cute ;)

Puss och kram...
And it's time to say goodbye again
Tonight we are all going to Olivia's house. It's time to say goodbye, but hopefully we will meet her again. So, who will be the next one visting us?!? I'm looking forward to meet you all again....And I'm still thinking about you a lot! BESOS!!!


I wanted to share this with you. It's one of my favorite wallpapers...
WiTh LoVe
♥ Mar-C ♥
Puerto Jiménez 2008-2009
Last December 29th Ivan and I went down to Puerto Jiménez....We were going to write on the blogg together, but everytime we were going to do it, we just finished doing something else. So I gave up and I promised Helen that tonight I was going to tell you how it was for me to went back to our first host community in the exchange. An this is how it was:
We went early in the morning to take the bus down to Golfito. Yeah, we didn't take the 10 hours bus down to Jiménez, so we would have at least half day more to enjoy and walk around in that small and lovely place. The bus left at 7:00 am from San José, around 12:30 pm we stopped by "Flor de la Sabana" the place where we stopped by with the group to have lunch the first time we were going down, that was the first moment when I started to think about all of you, and I started to miss you a lot...
When we got to Golfito we took a boat to PJ, I had Puerto Jiménez Beach in front of me and then I wondered who was going to be the first person we were going to meet again. I felt so nervous, don't know why, but maybe it was because we (the whole group) were not there, and of course it was not going to be the same.
Finally we were there, so....Ok, we didn't know what to do, we just started walking and decided to go first to visit Doña Ercilia! so she was the choosen one!!! :)
Met here was weird, of course my horses!!! But it was also really nice...Then I felt better, the next ones were my family at El Mini Tigre (but they were not there) Ivan's familiy (but they were not there either) and Frida's familiy. OH YES! they were there....I was so happy to see Michelle again!!! and I think she was too he he...
Then we just had a walk around the Boulevar. Now they are building something, like a small place next to the beach to go down and sit there having a "Tropical de Mora" they are also paving the road with cobbles and it looks really nice, but it also looks like "development" it's getting in to Jimenez and of course it makes me worry about that.
Next day was a "lazy day'2, we just walked around and visited Susana who is working at Juanita's and spent some time with Angelica going to the crocodile place in Parrot Bay, then we met Diego! just for a few minutes...
Wednesday was New Years Eve, so we went to Evaristo's house, they where really nice on inviting us to have dinner with them...
At that time I was missing the group a lot, everything reminded me the group, just walking around, going to Super BM, passing by Banco Nacional, listening to the Lapas, looking the Lapa Rios cars going around with their fancy guests, meeting some people and it felt like we (the whole group) were going to be there again, but it was not going to happen.
Thursday we went to Playa Preciosa, and spent the whole day there, we were just talking and eating coconut and went back walking to PJ in the evening (ok! we took a ride in half of the way, it was kind of late when we were walking back but it was beautiful)
Next day we went to take the Colectivo to Matapalo, and suprise!!!! now the changed the colectivo cars for just one "Big Colectivo" which is "demasiado chiva!!!" So we went to Matapalo and spent the day there, we stayed there in a small and nice hotel, and went back on saturday afternoon to PJ after a fresh bath in one of the Matapalo's Waterfalls, just to rest a little bit and meet Fofo and Andrey....we spent that night with them at Juanitas, we also went to La Taberna, but it was so dead that we went back to Juanitas :)
On Sunday I came back in the Jimenez bus at 5 am , but I couldn't find tickets to go sit, so the first 5 hours in the bus I was standing up...Finally I got to San José and went back home. Ivan, Andrey and Fofo stayed in PJ untill Wednesday, but I can't tell you what hapened cause I wasn't there :P
Between the curiosities I saw:
The recycle centers: they were completely useless :( Broken or just thrown like trash...
Café De La Onda: it doesn't exist anymore... :(
The Basket Ball Field: the rings were still there!!! :) But now I think they are using it as a mini-football field :(
Mango Real: it's still there, but they stopped using the pool. there is not enough people going to afford the maintenance
of the swimming pool :(
The Main street: it's paved!!! :) so now it's not so dusty in the morning...
Show Man: He is not there anymore...!?!? Hmmmm
The Beach: they cut down some trees, and now ther are more "mesitas" to go and sit there, they also opened a restaurant in front of the beach where they rent surf boards!!! (Ok, in Jimenez????)
The airport: is paved too!!! and looks nicer... :)
The playground: it looks like abandoned :( I reckon no one is using it
Things had changed...But the biggest change I felt was you. It was not the same to be there again, but it also felt like I was back in time, I wished we could be there again and enjoyed one of the best times in my life....
I still miss you a lot!!! And I hope someday I will see you all again....
P.D: the pics will come later!!! :) sorry, but Ivan haven't taken them from the cam....Puss!!!