Tarde o temprano...las cosas se dan solas
Hola hola!!!
How's everybody??? :)
It's been a lot of time since I don't know much about all of you, and so you don't know much about me. Well the thing it's that I've been a little busy with school and work, but finally I found a break to say hello and keep you post.
Nowadays I'm studying a post grade on International Commerce and this month I will be celebrating my graduation on International Relations Bachelor. School has got harder. But, if everything goes well, I'll finish this year. That's why i won't make it to Sweden yet. I'm sad about it, but I rather to finish with school first.
Other than that, I got fired from work. Yeap, it's kind of disappointing but I think it was the best decision for both sides. Some months ago, I started to think that I finished my process there and it was time to look for better opportunities, but I didn't want to quit job because it meant losing the money from my "labor settlement". Luckily they took initiative and now I will have the opportunity to work with something related to what I studied for and I will get the money! hehehe. So I'm now a job hunter hehe, just hope it' will come as soon as possible...I'm looking forward!
Being at home feels strange. I got used to go to work, then school, then home, then work, then school and then home every day of the week. Now that I have more time to myself, I don't know what to do with it, maybe some days at the beach, or just lying on the bed…lazy girl! I know but I now I needed this for a long time ago. And as the song says:
För det ordnar sig, det gör det alltid,
jo, det löser sig, så brukar allt bli,
det kommer fixa sig till slut,
det är inget tvivel om, fast nu känns skiten sur,
och flera mil ifrån, det ordnar sig.
So, what about you? Hope you all are just great. I really miss you all, and hope to see you soon. Here y let you some pictures from this last months...
The sexy werewolf! Mascaradas at Barva.
Festival Imperial 2012. We went to see Maroon 5, Cipress Hill, Manchester Orchesta and others...it was amazing!
I almost died when I saw Adam Levine so closed to me :D
Celebrating my birthday at Playa Bandera. With Grettel, my sister in law :)
Juanito el goloso
Beautiful sunset at Playa Bandera
Fika with the most lovely friends ever...
Aren't the adorable?
Love these two!
Vivi, my best friend and I :)
Party time...
We are sexy and we know it...
Some friends and I
Josué...nice guy.
Love you all!
Visita en Alicante!

Feliz Día de San Valentín

Vive la France

Fofo på besök

Time to think about my life...
Hi everybody!
It’s been a long time without blogging…but I have to admit that I am always pending on what is happening here, it's just that I was a bit lazy-busy to sit down and tell you what have happened with my life.
In June I had my "school vacations" and they were pretty bored, more than I expected. My plans to clear my mind and travel a bit didn’t go as I wanted, I had to work, so I stayed at home, resting in the little spare time and doing things, but close to Heredia.
The school semester started again and it’s currently a month and a half to finish college. It feels so weird, I do not know if I am really tired or semester is hard, but I feel it heavier than ever, and the anxiety does not help me finish it. I count the days to finish everything.
On the other hand I am very well, my family too, but no baby from my sister...buuuu! At this point I feel more desperate to be aunt than my sister and brother in law to be parent lol.
Another thing that steals my dream is what am i going to do with my life after university, I've thought about taking a postgraduate course at the university, although this option does not motivate me much, I've also been considering the idea of studying languages, I don't rule out to study another career or start looking for internships abroad or volunteer work, it would help a lot in my curriculum, I think the problem is all the options I have and I cannot decide for one. I also thought about leaving the nest, I think I'm starting to need my space and have my own apartment, but this option will depend a lot on what I’ll do with school and work, now I'm very happy with my work and that is another anchor point that I have ...
Returning to the updates, there's bad news, at least for those who remember my beloved Malpais band, Ivan could remember because once we went with Nella, Johan and my parents to a concert in Barva park. Well, the point is that the singer died in September. Fidel Gamboa who was also the composer of the group died at the age of 52 after giving a concert in Heredia and because of a heart attack. For obvious reasons, the group decided not to pursue more with Malpaís... sad!
But back again, happy to updates, this time I leave some photos of the Independence Day of Costa Rica and a ride some of the Ticos did to INBioparque, an institute that studies biodiversity and is also a kind of park of attractions.
This is the parade schools organized on Parque de Diversiones, on September 15th, they played really good music.
After the show it was time to have a little fun!
Some of the Ticos at InbioParque...
A big kiss to everyone! Hope to see you soon ...

A cup of tea in Mönsterås
Last Friday I visited Helene at her father's house in Mönsterås at the east coast of Sweden. It was really nice to see her again and just have a little chat, have some barbeque, go for a walk and drink some tea with her boyfriend and sister. Unfortunately Frida couldn't come even though she had planned for it but I hope I will see her and the other Swedes and Fofo in August!!
What about you guys? What is happening in your lives? Tell me :) I still miss you.
May feelings in Växjö
I hope everything is fine with you and I still think about you all a lot. Let us be better about updating the blog!
Hera are som pictures from the weekend.
All of us in front of the Univerity library
Picking wild strawberries
Helene and Olivia
Visiting the Linnaeus garden
Climbing in trees
In front of the church
Having a barbeque in the chilly weather
Mysterious sky
Celebrating Emma's birthday...
...the same evening as the Eurovision Song Contest (Do you remember!?) Sweden was number three this year :)
The castle
Take care all of you guys. I miss you!
nu, jag kan pratar lite svenska! :)
What happend the third year at the uni!
How are you guys? Please put up some photos of your lives as well, I'm curious about what you are up to. I miss you, and I feel like coming back to Costa Rica soon, some day.
Hugs for all of you!

Fiesta party

Me and Sophie

My classmates

The most fancy party of the year
Me and Elin on stage, we got scholarships from the school
Some of my friends in my class
Well, most of the days look like this, writing papers and studying hard for exams
Just for you to know, normally life here is not this glamourous! Not at all :P
Take care!
...and my sister got married :)

Imperial in Heredia one year ago
Best birthday cake ever, thanks Marce's family :)
Beautiful girls
Is Mau freezing?
Happy counterparts
Even more happy conuterparts
Who's hand?
Thank you everybody! I love you
Un saludo navideño...
Hej Hej! Merry Christmas my lovely friends!!! And thanks to Helen for your pictures from the snow…brrrrrr, it seems to be cold in Sweden. Here it’s cold too, well it’s 16 degrees hehehe, but it isn’t usual for us… you know how it works here ;)
So I took a time to tell you a little about what is going on with me...
As I told you, I went to Panama with School. It was great!!! A very nice experience I would like to do again, but by airplane! 'cause 17hours sitting in a bus is not so nice for your ass...cri cri… :D
We had a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce of Panama, they gave us a conference about their economy and how it works in Panama, everything goes around services; the Panama Canal makes the country to live of logistics, imports and exports… We also went to the Canal and visited the locks. And of course, we also had fun!
My sister's wedding is getting closer, it feels weird, but we are very happy for her. By the way, I also have some pictures for her bridal shower…
I’m pretty fine, my family is growing old, as all of us I guess…my cousin’s son, Leo’s son, is two years old now, I remember at Falun when he told me his Wife was pregnant, now that small child takes all my energy every time I see him, he is sooo cute!!!
Some days ago I got my temporary driver’s license :) I’m so happy!!! Now, I have 3 months to practice a lot and then I’ll do like a “practical exam”, if I pass…then I’ll get my real drivers license, soooo, now Marce is on the road!
Well, now you know how I am...I miss you guys! Hope you all are fine...write back! or come back! that would be better :)
Puss puss y mucho amor!
CIU fest

The costa rica flag

The first snow on the way home...