Vive la France


A cup of tea in Mönsterås
Last Friday I visited Helene at her father's house in Mönsterås at the east coast of Sweden. It was really nice to see her again and just have a little chat, have some barbeque, go for a walk and drink some tea with her boyfriend and sister. Unfortunately Frida couldn't come even though she had planned for it but I hope I will see her and the other Swedes and Fofo in August!!
What about you guys? What is happening in your lives? Tell me :) I still miss you.
May feelings in Växjö
I hope everything is fine with you and I still think about you all a lot. Let us be better about updating the blog!
Hera are som pictures from the weekend.
All of us in front of the Univerity library
Picking wild strawberries
Helene and Olivia
Visiting the Linnaeus garden
Climbing in trees
In front of the church
Having a barbeque in the chilly weather
Mysterious sky
Celebrating Emma's birthday...
...the same evening as the Eurovision Song Contest (Do you remember!?) Sweden was number three this year :)
The castle
Take care all of you guys. I miss you!
What happend the third year at the uni!
How are you guys? Please put up some photos of your lives as well, I'm curious about what you are up to. I miss you, and I feel like coming back to Costa Rica soon, some day.
Hugs for all of you!

Fiesta party

Me and Sophie

My classmates

The most fancy party of the year
Me and Elin on stage, we got scholarships from the school
Some of my friends in my class
Well, most of the days look like this, writing papers and studying hard for exams
Just for you to know, normally life here is not this glamourous! Not at all :P
Take care!
Imperial in Heredia one year ago
Best birthday cake ever, thanks Marce's family :)
Beautiful girls
Is Mau freezing?
Happy counterparts
Even more happy conuterparts
Who's hand?
Thank you everybody! I love you
Sweet June
June has soon passed, I've finished my second year at the University with good results but most of all I really love my classmates, they have been a huge part of my experience in Växjö and it's sad that we only have one year left together. No I'm working for almost nine weeks until the 15th of August...
I have not so much plans for the summer but hopefully I will hang out with some of the Swedes
if we get time to go to one of the biggest islands in Sweden to camp and swim in the sea.
And as you might have heard the Swedish crownprincess has got married.
It was a really beautiful weddding and a lot of love in the air.
Kisses and hugs to all of you! Take care!

Celebrating the last exam at Campus

Midsummer in Rydaholm

The Royal Wedding (källa:
Easter one year ago, do you remember?
Glad Påsk på er allihop! Jag lovar att uppdatera er med vad som hänt senaste tiden också och nästa vecka åker jag ju till Budapest! MEN, först upp med bilderna från Linköpingshelgen!
Barsebäckshamn och bullbak
... dags för lite uppdatering. Mitt liv känns riktigt hektiskt just nu och kalendern är fullklottrad de närmsta veckorna, vilket känns både jobbigt och inspiererande. Förmodligen kommer jag inte att kunna komma till Linköping, men vi får se... Jag saknar er alla och hoppas att vi planerar in något kul till sommaren, varför inte den där resan över Östersjön!?
Ticos, how are you? You should also share parts of your lives here at the blog. I also would like to thank you for the time we had together before and after christmas, my birthday party rocked! Miss you all!
In a cabin with my friends
Today's project, now I'm off to the library for som studies
3:e advent
I just want to share some pictures from the last weeks here in Växjö. Except from all the normal studying where I'm writing a big essay in Service- and Relationshipsmarketing I have now also got welcomed to the new board of the Economics and Business associactiopn for students here at the University for 2010. We have had a lot of information, got a project manager education day and been out eating at a fancy restaurant down town with a party afterward here at Campus where my predecessor got me really drunk (!) hmm, but it was a nice evening...
Styrelsen 2010
Today I've mostly prepared for the journey, studied, taken a walk in the first falling snow, got some christmas feelings by drinking glögg and having a lussekatt :)
5 days left now...
Thoughts from a rainy Växjö
It's cold, windy and Växjö is probably the town where it rains the most in the whole country!
Now I'm longing for the first real snow to come, it's quite special and it would be nice to see the ground all white before I go down south to beaches and sun and crazy christmas celebration on the other side of the Atlantic ocean. It's going to be totally awsome! Miss you guys! But I'll see you soon :)
Weekend in Linköping
Two weekends ago I went by train to Linköping, another town with a lot of students to visit some friends and to spend som time with Olivia. I had just finished an exam so it was so nice to leave campus for a while and have a good time with your friends! Linda and Edina are my old classmates from junior high and we're all from the same place back home so nowadays we do not meet that very often, to bad. The weekend was totally perfect and during the Sunday I catched up with Olivia to have lunch and do some shopping at the mall before I went back home.
Me, Edina and Linda
Having fika
Old friends watching "Sound of Music" at home in the sofa
In the city
Miss you, but i'll come back to Linköping another time!
It's fall and I like it!
Walking in colorful leafs on my way to school...
In one and a half week I'll go to see Olivia in her new hometown, nice!
I promise I'll bring the camera. 73 days left to paradise, by the way...
Update from a students life
So here we are again, a year ago I was one of the new sudents here at Växjö University and I had no idea then, that very first day, that this would be the beginning of my amazing years here at the Uni. This year I participated in the kick-off week as a leader to help introducing the newly arrived students to the campus area and to all of he fun activities you are offered here, but also me and a couple of my classmates told them about the bst way in how to study and how they could find their way around the school bulidings.
Here are some photos from the week. What about you other guys? Why am I the only one writing here at the blog? Swedes, Ticos?
Hur var nollningen Olivia och Ivan? Helene?
Playing beachvolleyball
The team
Me and my friend Victoria
The wole group our last day, all dressed up
Victoria and I
At the red carpet
A bottle of wine that we won in a contest


Fired up, ready to go!

My cousin

Hanna and me

The Sounds concert

Rubber boots are good when it's raining

Specially for Helene ;)

Festival feelings

Me and Angelica

Sahara Hotnights

At the east coast of Sweden
Earlier this week I visited Helene in Mönsterås! We had a great time together, just relaxing. In the afternoon we went to Oknö to have a swim, and we were the only ones at the beach since it was raining! haha We ended our lovely day together with some fika!

Trying to show the ticos my Imperial-towel, but it's too windy

Not as cold as it looks like

Helene throwing herself into the blue

Fika :)
Celebrating Helene - the last day of the exchange, one year ago...

Clara, Martin and Karin at the top of Kulturhuset

Ivan and Olivia

Clara and Karin


Liv and Frida

The birthdaygirl Helene and Emma