CR-SWE again...
Fy Fan...This experience has been such a great thing again.
It has been so great to see Anna, Frida and Helene one more time.
There are more pictures below
Hell-ow everyone
I have seen what you have been doing during this time and I think I going to write about Iron Maiden concert haha, SORRY!
Fuck Yea, I already had the chance to be at Iron Maiden concert here in Costa Rica...what can I say?
The best concert I ever been in my life, they are the best metal band on this planet.
I arrived to the stadiun very early arond 9:00 o` clok in the mornig, so I had to wait for more than 10 hours stand under the hottest sun I ever felt.
Eilin and Martin went too but we culdn`t see them.
I am also happy becouse another Swedish band is coming for a concert (we have had Dismember-Therion.Hammerfall) on May 16th and its called Amon Amarth, I am not very fan of them but I want to see them playing live.

Great moments

Hi people!!!
Hi fuck are you doing!?
Yeah...This is the first time I write here, I had to call Marce becouse I did not how to do it.
I am not dead...hahaha.
I have seen some of your letters, all of them are very nice.
What can I say about my life? I am studing for being a teacher (my students are going to lesrn about history of heavy metal,haha).
I have met cool people, moust of them are girls,ups...but Helene,do not be gelous they are not special as you are.
What else...let me see...I bought a CD in Svarige, and I was listening the same song every morning and now when I listen that song again it makes me feel something weird, and is that I am not enymore in my room in Falun.
Also I miss all of you motherfuckers...when I take a look to my pictures I start to think about the great time we had together, we were like a family and I miss that feeling.
Oh Karin my special sister...I miss her so much! I learned so much of you.
Oh helene my bebe...I miss your brave, I realy admire you.
Oh Frida the little sister...I miss your smile, is very cute.
Oh Anna are so great, there are not so many girls like you
Oh Olivia...the are very kind and cute, you are in CR but I havent see you.
Oh Anna O...I am going to take some of your methods for controlling students...great girl!
Oh Ivan...The man from the mountains, cool guy, smart and Marce`s dream
And you Ticos...demasiado tuanis todos verdad, Mau,Marce,Vero,Andrey,Luis y Eilin...cuidense!!!
No los describo como son ustedes porque se me cagan...varas, muy pura vida.