Time to think about my life...
Hi everybody!
It’s been a long time without blogging…but I have to admit that I am always pending on what is happening here, it's just that I was a bit lazy-busy to sit down and tell you what have happened with my life.
In June I had my "school vacations" and they were pretty bored, more than I expected. My plans to clear my mind and travel a bit didn’t go as I wanted, I had to work, so I stayed at home, resting in the little spare time and doing things, but close to Heredia.
The school semester started again and it’s currently a month and a half to finish college. It feels so weird, I do not know if I am really tired or semester is hard, but I feel it heavier than ever, and the anxiety does not help me finish it. I count the days to finish everything.
On the other hand I am very well, my family too, but no baby from my sister...buuuu! At this point I feel more desperate to be aunt than my sister and brother in law to be parent lol.
Another thing that steals my dream is what am i going to do with my life after university, I've thought about taking a postgraduate course at the university, although this option does not motivate me much, I've also been considering the idea of studying languages, I don't rule out to study another career or start looking for internships abroad or volunteer work, it would help a lot in my curriculum, I think the problem is all the options I have and I cannot decide for one. I also thought about leaving the nest, I think I'm starting to need my space and have my own apartment, but this option will depend a lot on what I’ll do with school and work, now I'm very happy with my work and that is another anchor point that I have ...
Returning to the updates, there's bad news, at least for those who remember my beloved Malpais band, Ivan could remember because once we went with Nella, Johan and my parents to a concert in Barva park. Well, the point is that the singer died in September. Fidel Gamboa who was also the composer of the group died at the age of 52 after giving a concert in Heredia and because of a heart attack. For obvious reasons, the group decided not to pursue more with Malpaís... sad!
But back again, happy to updates, this time I leave some photos of the Independence Day of Costa Rica and a ride some of the Ticos did to INBioparque, an institute that studies biodiversity and is also a kind of park of attractions.
This is the parade schools organized on Parque de Diversiones, on September 15th, they played really good music.
After the show it was time to have a little fun!
Some of the Ticos at InbioParque...
A big kiss to everyone! Hope to see you soon ...
Gracias por contarnos lo que pasa en tu vida y por las fotos! No es facil decidir el futuro, pero pienso que tengas que ir a Suecia! Pronto! :)
Besos a la jefa!
Me puso muy contenta cuando vi que habías escrito en el blog. Tack! Ahora siento que tengo que escribir también. Voy a poner los fotos de cuando Fofo estuve aqui y luego escribir de que pasa en mi vida.
Como Helene escribe no es facil decidirse, pero espero que vas a venir a suecia pronto y que también que nosotros podemos volver algún día a Tiquisia (se escribe así?)
Yo también espero volver pronto...y así son los planes
Un besote chicas!!! See you soon ;)
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