Because that I didn't write on the blog in English yesterday I must write again today. It's a sunny day here in Stockholm.
I have been coughing all night long. I couldn't sleep so much. Tonight my mother and I are going to the opera we will see Cinderella. I hope that my coughing is gone otherwise I'm going to cough all the time and disturb...
My relatives on my mother's side from Spain are here in Stockholm for one month. So I have been with them a few days. We went to the zoo, Skansen one day. We had food with us. But there were so many wasps. And I am so afraid of them. So when I was eating a wasp came, I put the sandwich on the ground and run away...
There are many animals at Skansen; brown bear, moose, fox, otter, lynx, reindeers, seals, wolf, wolverine, wild boar, owl, European bison. Also buildings that have been moved from places in Sweden, so visitors can see how it was before. I found a house that have been moved from Annas region. I remember when I was little, there were elephants at Skansen, walking around but they were moved 1992.
Now I'm hungry, as always, hope to hear from you soon...!from Virserum socken
Sascha and the seal
August 26th!!!
I could say that I feel this longer ago too, and even if sometimes I forget about you, when I come here and read (mostly from Anna R, Frida one else?) I miss you so much!
This page had turned in to our bubble, now this is all that we have and of course our great memories! I can believe how happy we were together...and how happy I feel when I know about you.
TWO MONTHS!!! And I wonder where are the other ones?!?!
Make me feel happier please! :)
Hälsning från Stockholm
Jag har börjat jobba. eller jag har jobbat en dag. På mitt gamla arlandajobb. Sen blev jag sjuk och är det fortfarande. När jag kom dit kändes det som jag aldrig varit borta. Allt var sig likt efter 7 månader. Några var nya men mest gamla ansikten. Det kändes deprimerande. Vi får se hur länge jag står ut med det där, känns läskigt att lära sig kassan igen.
Nä jag har nog tröttnat på att det är varmt. Nu har jag haft varmt såpass länge att jag längtar efter hösten och vintern. Att få klä på sig ordentligt med mössa, vantar o jacka. Gå höstiga promenader i skogen. Leka i snön, få göra snögubbar, snölyktor. Jag skulle nog aldrig klara mig utan vintern om jag bodde någon annanstans. Stockholm är så blöt numera på vintern och även vårt landställe där det förut låg is större delen av båtvägen till landet. Älskar ljudet när isen bryts av isbrytaren. Minns att jag o pappa gjorde snöigloo och labyrinter i snön på stranden. Om snön ska fortsätta smälta bort så snabbt o det ska vara så varmt på vinterhalvåret får jag nog bosätta mig högre upp.
Idag förövrigt har det gått två månader. Känns som det var ännu längre sen. Om en månad ses vi. Jag längtar så efter den dagen. Ända sen vi skiljdes åt. Häromdagen läste jag de där lapparna vi skrev till varandra, det värmer när jag läser det ni skrivit till mig och det är hemskt att tänka att det aldrig blir vi igen. För att tjata ut det ännu mer så vill jag bara skriva att jag älskar er! (fast ni inte skriver på bloggen...)
vart är detta?

Nästa hållplats Copenhagen
We met Karin, bought some Thai-food and brought wine to Anna's appartment where we ate, drank and talked about all memories. It was a really cosy evening and we went to sleep around four in the morning.
On Saturday me, Helene and Karin had our breakfast outside in the backyard. The weather was splended, sunshine and a little windy. Olivia joined us later and we went to what's called Bo 01, a very nice neigbourhood next to the sea, you will see the pictures...
After that we lazed around in a big park listening to Dj's playing some electronical music and ate Falafel, the first time for me. Later this evening we took the train with Karin's friends to Copenhagen for some partying. First a pree party and the the real one, oh good, the Danish people are real party animals, drinking a lot. We went to sleep around half past five in the morning, after taking a cab home to Karin's friend's appartment.
On Sunday we woke up around twelve o'clock and me and Helene said good bye to Karin. After a hot coffee and a muffin at Kastrup airport we went back to Malmö where Olivia joined us for lunch and later "fika sin Frida" with hot chocolate. Yesterday I really felt that the autumn is coming...
When I finally sat on the train back home, I thought a lot about you guys and how much I miss every single one of you. Some day, right!? Som day we will see eachother again, it's destiny.

Flowers in the backyard


Helene with a strawberry


The sea

The bracelet

Us in front of Öresund

Walking around in Malmö

Bo 01

Karin and Helene enjoying the sun

Turning Torso

Chicas in the big city

Nice houses

Sea feelings

Helene and me

Me walking