Feliz cumple Fofo 22!

Olivia 21!

Happy Birthday Olivia!
Påsken i Växjö 2009

We sat for a while in the sun eating ice-cream
We saw a beautiful white duck
It was hard to come up and sit on this thing...
Emma fell off...
finally we are sitting safe!
Here are before Emma and I put the "påskägg" outside in the garden.
Looking for the eggs...
Mine was in the bush!
Anna are close!
Here we are with our eggs!
I blowed out six eggs so it just was the shell left. After that we were supose to paint the eggs and put them in our easter decoration of a sprig of twigs decked with coloured feathers
One of the eggs cracked when i blowed...
Here you can see our easter decoration of a sprig of twigs decked with coloured eggs.
We painted boiled eggs too, before we ate them.
My chicken!
Happy easter!
We found some big eggs in the town...
Semana santa
On Friday, we took a long walk around the lake, bought an icecream and did some shopping at the supermarket. Later Emma baked bread and we all prepared for the barbeque that we had later in the evening when Olivia finally joined us. We sat on a blanket on the hill outside my house until the sun set and it got too cold to be outside. Especially for Olivia who had forgot about the Swedish cool climate!
So we went in, had a glass of wine, watched a movie and talked all night long.
On Saturday we got up and some of us went to a shopping center to buy Olivia a new camera and stuff, Emma and Frida went for another walk and prepared the eggs filled with candy wich they later hid in area around the castle. So when we got home we started searching for our eggs and I found mine first! yey
Later we had a delicious meal of traditional food before it was time to say goodbye to Olivia. Next person to leave was Emma, so Helene, Frida and me went home to dress up, have a drink and then take the bus into the city for a night out. We went to Oléo and danced a lot, took the bus home and decided to call some of the ticos. Sorry that we didn´t had time to call everyone. We talked to Fofo, Andrey and Eylin. It was so great and so strange to hear your voices, I kind of started to cry, when I realised how much I miss you guys. Everyone of you, Marcela I'll write you an email, and Emma has got me an Skype, so that we could be better at keeping in touch!
I think we went to sleep after five o'clock in the morning, so tired and Helene went to take the train early in the morning so Frida and I decided to sleep a little longer :) Later that Sunday even Frida and I had to say goodbye and I got very lonely :(
It was a great weekend, lots of love to everyone, see you in December!
Frida will put up more photos from the reunion, especially from our eastern celebrations...


Sunny evening

Eating greek food

At the restaurant

Frida and me

Me, Frida and Emma

The lake

Frida and Emma in front of the castle


In the smoke


Bananas with chocolate

Looking for eggs

Partying at Oléo
Significa mas o menos como Feliz (Semana) Santa!
Olivia´s Farewell

And it's time to say goodbye again
Tonight we are all going to Olivia's house. It's time to say goodbye, but hopefully we will meet her again. So, who will be the next one visting us?!? I'm looking forward to meet you all again....And I'm still thinking about you a lot! BESOS!!!

I'm bored...
Now the spring has arrived to Växjö and all the students enjoy the sunny weather. It's lovely and it makes me realize the charm about having different seasons. There's nothing like a Swedish summer and I've really started to look forward for the holidays. But for the moment and the coming two months it's best to focus on my studies.
Lot's of love for you, especialmente para los ticos. jag saknar er mycket.

Okey, I'll stop being silly!

Greetings for everybody!
Hell-ow everyone
I have seen what you have been doing during this time and I think I going to write about Iron Maiden concert haha, SORRY!
Fuck Yea, I already had the chance to be at Iron Maiden concert here in Costa Rica...what can I say?
The best concert I ever been in my life, they are the best metal band on this planet.
I arrived to the stadiun very early arond 9:00 o` clok in the mornig, so I had to wait for more than 10 hours stand under the hottest sun I ever felt.
Eilin and Martin went too but we culdn`t see them.
I am also happy becouse another Swedish band is coming for a concert (we have had Dismember-Therion.Hammerfall) on May 16th and its called Amon Amarth, I am not very fan of them but I want to see them playing live.