Påsken i Växjö 2009

We sat for a while in the sun eating ice-cream
We saw a beautiful white duck
It was hard to come up and sit on this thing...
Emma fell off...
finally we are sitting safe!
Here are before Emma and I put the "påskägg" outside in the garden.
Looking for the eggs...
Mine was in the bush!
Anna are close!
Here we are with our eggs!
I blowed out six eggs so it just was the shell left. After that we were supose to paint the eggs and put them in our easter decoration of a sprig of twigs decked with coloured feathers
One of the eggs cracked when i blowed...
Here you can see our easter decoration of a sprig of twigs decked with coloured eggs.
We painted boiled eggs too, before we ate them.
My chicken!
Happy easter!
We found some big eggs in the town...
vad fint!