We always think about you!
I don't know what to say, but at least I will say something ;)
I've been studying and working, it's been tired, probably i will get crazy one of these days (Even more!!!). But school is interEsting, I'm happy with it, so is not that bad...I still wonder where is the people!?
The ticos have been in touch, we hang out often and our tipical conversations are about what an a amazing time we spent with you and of course our tico things!!! hehe.
I guess Mia showed you some pictures of us, Roy sent them...if she didn't: Too bad!
I still miss you TONS!!! (as Anna O said)...
How was being in the place we saw each other for the last time?! I would get shock :)
But really!!! Would be nice if some of you write here (karin, emma, ivan, helene, TICOS!). For the others (olivia, anna r, frida, anna o and mau) thanks for let us know about you
Kisses for everyone!!! LOS AMO!!!

26 september 2008 - Three months since the last day!
I miss you all so much. Im sad because you ticos are not going to be with us at our reunion this weekend and also that Emma, Olivia and Karin are missing!

A love story

I'm looking forward to it a lot!
See you guys there where it all once began....
And let's not make this the end of the story. Promise me...

In less then 3 weeks I´m back, back to paradise, back to fucking amazing Costa Rica! Bilen gar bra, javisst!
I miss each one of you so much! And soon I can be there hughing and kissing you, almost everyone of you! And what makes me really happy is that Ivan also is coming back, so why don´t you all come back! We are almost full crew now! Please make my day, send me a message sweds and let me know that you are all coming.
I love you a lot!

Thinking of the best of times...
Hej you all!
Don't know how many of you who are reading this, but I hope some at least. I'm not the person to complain though... cause I have been bad at keeping in touch...I know! It's not that I don't want to, because I think about you all allot and I miss you all even more, it's just that I'm bad at those things, things like keeping in touch... bad coordinator, I know L
Yesterday I finished all my CIU paper work and that naturally made me think about our great times together, to me it still seams incredible how everything turned out so good for us and how the love and care remained in the group during the whole period. You guys must have been the best group ever, you are all amazing people and that's what made our times together to what it was, one of the most amazing adventures in my life!
Next week in going to get a sentimental boost... I'm going to Falun to visit for a few days... haha, who would have thought that I would go there to visit when I first got this job in November last year. I remember how everyone felt sorry for me because I had to leave the big city Malmö and go to live in the wilderness all by my self for two months... look at me now, now I'm making it by my own free will!
So, I did some thinking on how to get rich really really fast... haven't come up with a plan yet but if I do I'm going to invite all you Ticos over for your reunion in Stockholm, how great that would be, Miss you sooo! As much as I miss the Ticos I´m looking forward to meet all you Swedes again!
Ok, going to try to get better at writing!
Lots of lots of love to all my sweethearts! Thinking about you and misses you!
Anna (Juana)
Kick-of to the University
Last week we had the traditional kick-of "Nollning" and we had a great time, a lot of drinking of course, games and more sophisticated events as dinners and so. We were dividied into different groups and the theme om my group was Hawaii as you can see at the pictures.
And one thing more, I think I'm in love! I can't sleep or eat and the last thing - study, it's crazy. I have to take control over my life because I'm not so sure that this guy likes me, probably not, that's the normal thing in my case you know... But it's a nice feeling as long as it lasts.
On Friday this week I have my first test, ahhh. I'm a bit nervous but I will try my best. I just came home from the library and the accompany of all the fabulous books, yeah right.
I hope you are all fine, over and out! puss puss

Me during the traditional introduction speech

The Hawaii group

This was really difficult

People got really naked, but you do what you have to do to win...

Games at spetsamossen

Doing our best for the commitee

Volley ball competitions

What a freak!


Me and a girl from Falun

Guys drinking beer

New friends

Our kickers

Dinner and the ending ceremony