Spring queen

Frida is the winner of the challenge

Mau's photo

What do you say Swedes? wanna play minigolf this summer?

SNÖDROPPAR = Snowdrops

I am not sure of the name of this flower i think its Gulgäck? maybe someone know the name of this flower?

Kramar de estocolmo
Hello my friends!
How are you doing?
Today it's a sunny day in Stockholm, the birds are singing and I am happy that finally the dark period is gone! Today its vårdagjämning/vernal equinox/ equinoccio de primavera. The day and night are equal long and the light is coming back!
I have been thinking this week what to write and I still don't know. These weeks I have been thinking about my future. I still don't know what to do and what I'm going to do next semester. If I'm going to continue work or start studying, but I'm still not sure what I want to study. I hate to take decisions. Me, Anna and Helene have been thinking of going back to Costa Rica this winter in Dec/Jan. Hopefully it will happen soon we are going to decide, but it's really expensive!
Tonight I will meet Emma. She is on a visit in Stockholm, it's going to be so fun to meet her after some weeks and hear what is happening in her life. This weekend it's also reunion at kärsögården with CIU, but no one of us are going.
Besos, pussar, abrazoz y kramar para todos! Take care!
A few days ago it was a beautiful sunset from the window

I wanted to share this with you. It's one of my favorite wallpapers...
Hi from Bamako!

Now I'm challenging you, the first one to see one of those miracles (some kind of flowers) this year, takes a picture and puts it up at the blog! There will be a surprise for the winner...
This is a reason for Ivan moving down to the south!


Love you
know more about your life..
I am so tired that nobody is writing on the blog, give comments, are someone reading!?? I have been thinking and it would be good and funny if everyone of us write about one day in our life, just what we are doing, thinking and feeling and maybe put up some pictures also. I mean i have no idea how a normal day in your life look like (and what is happening in your life), I think it would be really nice. Just write what you are doing.
What do you think?
Please write!!
or perhaps we just give up this blog...
i will not give up!