Happy midsummer!

Celebrating my sister's graduation from high school

Me, my youngest sister Lisa and our father

My mother and my sister Malin who is graduating

Some posing

Eating at our house
Valborg! Spring break and fancy dinner
from the bright side

Växjö goes summer feelings

Chicas lindas
United colors of Swy Costa Rica 2008
The ultimate reunion during christmas and new years eve in 2009! Here we come... If you haven't already heard about it, me, Frida and Helene bought our tickets to Costa Rica earlier this week. I can't believe it, a lot of my saved money is gone but it's so totally worth it! I'll work hard all summer long thinking abou seeing you ticos in December. Vero - sis I'm coming back! - I don't think you visit our blog that very often - but you should :)
We will hopefully arrive on the 20th of December and I'm going back the 7th of January (because of school) but Hlene and Frida are staying a little longer... There are some rumors aswell saying that even Juana and Olivia will join us during christmas, ahhhh! It couldn't be better, well.... Ivan, Karin and Emma.... don't feel any pressure ;)
Love to everybody! pura vida. hasta luego.

Semana santa
On Friday, we took a long walk around the lake, bought an icecream and did some shopping at the supermarket. Later Emma baked bread and we all prepared for the barbeque that we had later in the evening when Olivia finally joined us. We sat on a blanket on the hill outside my house until the sun set and it got too cold to be outside. Especially for Olivia who had forgot about the Swedish cool climate!
So we went in, had a glass of wine, watched a movie and talked all night long.
On Saturday we got up and some of us went to a shopping center to buy Olivia a new camera and stuff, Emma and Frida went for another walk and prepared the eggs filled with candy wich they later hid in area around the castle. So when we got home we started searching for our eggs and I found mine first! yey
Later we had a delicious meal of traditional food before it was time to say goodbye to Olivia. Next person to leave was Emma, so Helene, Frida and me went home to dress up, have a drink and then take the bus into the city for a night out. We went to Oléo and danced a lot, took the bus home and decided to call some of the ticos. Sorry that we didn´t had time to call everyone. We talked to Fofo, Andrey and Eylin. It was so great and so strange to hear your voices, I kind of started to cry, when I realised how much I miss you guys. Everyone of you, Marcela I'll write you an email, and Emma has got me an Skype, so that we could be better at keeping in touch!
I think we went to sleep after five o'clock in the morning, so tired and Helene went to take the train early in the morning so Frida and I decided to sleep a little longer :) Later that Sunday even Frida and I had to say goodbye and I got very lonely :(
It was a great weekend, lots of love to everyone, see you in December!
Frida will put up more photos from the reunion, especially from our eastern celebrations...


Sunny evening

Eating greek food

At the restaurant

Frida and me

Me, Frida and Emma

The lake

Frida and Emma in front of the castle


In the smoke


Bananas with chocolate

Looking for eggs

Partying at Oléo
I'm bored...
Now the spring has arrived to Växjö and all the students enjoy the sunny weather. It's lovely and it makes me realize the charm about having different seasons. There's nothing like a Swedish summer and I've really started to look forward for the holidays. But for the moment and the coming two months it's best to focus on my studies.
Lot's of love for you, especialmente para los ticos. jag saknar er mycket.

Okey, I'll stop being silly!

Greetings for everybody!
Spring queen

Frida is the winner of the challenge

Mau's photo

What do you say Swedes? wanna play minigolf this summer?
Now I'm challenging you, the first one to see one of those miracles (some kind of flowers) this year, takes a picture and puts it up at the blog! There will be a surprise for the winner...
This is a reason for Ivan moving down to the south!


Love you
Crazy nights in the south!
We arrived Friday afternoon and went home to Helene's appartement and met her roommate Seiram ( I'm not sure that's the right spelling) but she was just as nice, as Helene had told me before. We went out to eat at a restaurant and ended the night at a bar called Ariman were we had a beer or a glass of wine and just talked for a while.
In Saturday we woke up late (everybody except from Helene who was writing an exam in school, poor girl!) I'm not going to tell you about Karin's crazy night. haha. Later this day we walked in to town, for some sightseeing in central Lund, we saw the beautiful church and went to systemet (the liquer store) to buy alcohol. We got really hungry and bought bread to eat, haha, typical students with not that much money, walking down the street eating bread, holding a plastic bag from systemet! Alcohol is always a priority...
Well, we took the train to Malmö, where we met Juana, ate indish food, played a party game, with geographical questions. Frida was really talented, she knew a lot about flags and different destinations :) We changed clothes and got a little prettier than usual ready for the nightlife in Malmö city! We went to a club called Inkonst, which was really cool (much more cool than me) but as cool as Kaaaarin! The music were something called "dubstep" and had a lot of base and beat. Around half past three in the middle of the night we got out, ate a falafel and walked the street, it was really cold and snowing, we were all freezing so it was rally nice to get into Juana's appartement and get prepared to get to bed.
I think we fell asleep around 05.30! Us girls and Baltasar (Juana's sister's dog, who by the way is sending a special hello for you Mau :-) ) Sunday, we had a delicious brunch at "glassfabriken" before we said goodbye to the ones living in Malmö and went back to Lund. After drinking tea and coffee at Helene's place it was time for me to leave with the train for Växjö. So we had another sad farewell on a train station :( but hopefully we'll meet again for a trip to Berlin during eastern!
Tomorrow Ivan is returning from Costa Rica! I'm sure that he has a lo to tell! Karin is leaving for Africa on Friday to follow her dream about african dance, good for here!
Lots of love to you ticos! kärlek from suecia

Reunion tomorrow, just can't wait to hug you all again!

Just a funny memory to share with you

Our melody
I'm yours
Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me
A lá peaceful melody
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
Six months...

Six months have passed since we said goodbye at Kärsögården, can you believe it? And it's also like one year ago since we first met eachother! In a couple of weeks a new exchange will begin between Falun and this time India, the new participants must be very exited and I think we all know that feeling. I 'm happy for them but also a bit sad that there are coming new people to Falun to replace us, but as I said most of all I'm happy for them and I wish them three exiting months in India and a lovely time in Falun.
Here you can read about what they're up to: http://bangalorefalun.blogg.se/
Things you must do in Falun:
- Buy lots of fika at arenan :) and go to concerts and events there
- Take a swim in Runn, even though it's quite cold
- Visit Främby Udde (smygreklam)
- Celebrate valborg at the mine
- Buy a dalahorse
- Party at Banken, Etage or somewhere ells
- Hang out at kolgårn
- Bike around in the town
- Dance around a midsummer pole all night long
- Talk about big life-issues at the bench most far out at Roxnäs Udde
- Take a walk around Tisken
- Play minigolf at Slussen
and of course a lot of other things...
Take care!
is not fun anymore
ELD at campus
It's already December, the months have passed so fast, I can't believe it. I have quite a lot to do in school so I'm keeping me busy. What about you? How are you doing?
Today's my youngest sister's birthday, she's turning thirteen wich is quite special, but she's also in that age when you think your older sisters are just embarrasing and you want to be cool with you friends!
Right now in this moment, I'm jumping around, like a crazy person, he just send me a sms, ahhhhhh!
What should I answer?
Take care all of you! I can't really focus on writing more now. It was a positive sms, so I won't jump out from my window! No don't worry i wouldn't have done that anyway. haha

Växjö University, School of Economics and Business

Me and Erica, my best friend here
the friends, the love

It's just an ocean in between us
Fika con Frida in Växjö
When we got home, pretty late we went to bed, talking for hours and then I tried to sleep. Frida was dreaming a lot! She took all of the quilt and talked while she was sleeping, but I couldn't really find out what she was saying.
During the Saturday whe went to Växjö city and did some shopping, I bought an iron, wich I really needed, now I can use my nice clothes again. I showed Frida around the University area, called Campus. We cooked, a way to spicy (!) chicken stew with an influence from India and later we got ready for a party. But of course as always in Sweden we must have a preparty. We met some of my friends, drank some wine and later we partied and danced for hours at Sivans, the pub. Around three o'clock in the morning we went to Statoil to have a french hotdog ( do you swedes recognize yourselves in these habits?).
On Sunday we woke up at 12.30 and we went straight for the lunch! Since it was raining (as always in this town, the climate reminds me of England or something) we watched tv, played Yatzy, enjoyed a fika con Frida and finally I said goodbye to Frida at the trainstation.
Now, i'm just counting the days until we'll see eachother again.

Four seasons...
It was really strange just being 4+1 out of eight Swedes and then I haven't even counted the ticos! We missed you all a lot but we still had a nice time together in our little crowd.
During the saturday we had a small vernisage for our final products, wich we all enjoyed since a lot of nice memories were brought up again :) Later we went for a walk to the castle just as the last time and played around in the leaves like crazy people.
After a delicious dinner as always at Kärsögåden we spent the evening with a small exercise about telling eachother our good qualities, we went up to the third floor at Gula villan "The dining hall" where Frida got very scared of the "ghost" that were "sneaking around". haha
Late in the night we felt asleep, of course everyone in the same room after some talking. During the sunday we had some optional lectures and we also took a walk along the water and laid down in the grass. In the afternoon we were just hugging, laying down in the sun before a bus came to drive us to the centralstation and a final goodbye.
Lots of love to everyone and even more photos !

A love story