Volunteers in Puerto Jimenez
Monday, February 4, 2008
Puerto Jimenez is hosting fourteen volunteers from VIDA group; we have seven Costa Ricans and seven from Sweden. They will be working for three months in Puerto Jimenez on various important projects for the community; cleaning the mangroves, the beaches, working in the recycling center and in the local school. Two of them will be dedicated to the Blue Flag Project in Puerto Jimenez. This project is an effort for cleaner beaches in Costa Rica. We are working toward obtaining the Blue Flag for our area.
We feel very lucky in Puerto Jimenez to have so much help!! Thanks volunteers!!
posted by Lapa Rios http://blog.laparios.com/2008_02_01_archive.html
Volunteers visited Lapa Rios!!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Last Saturday, sixteen volunteers (eight from Sweden and eight ticos) who are working in Puerto Jimenez came to visit us at Lapa Rios. They arrived in the early morning and did a sustainability tour and a medicine walk. In the late afternoon, they did a presentation for our guests on their program and projects in Puerto Jimenez. It was excellent to hear about their experiences and their expectations. Thanks volunteers for all your work and for visiting us at Lapa Rios!
posted by Lapa Rios at 1:54 PM
i found this at Lapa Rios blog: http://blog.laparios.com/
Why didn’t I go?
08-11-26 | 09:00 | New York EWR | CO069 | 5 | Gated Closed | CONTINENTAL |
08-11-26 | 09:00 | New York EWR | CO069 | 5 | Departure 09:30 | CONTINENTAL |
Yesterday Ivan came to Stockholm. It was really nice to meet him for a short time before he left Sweden. He had some things to fix and we ate lunch buffet at a Thai restaurant were we ate last time when we had reunion all Swedes.
This morning we woke up 5 am, very early. Then we took the airport bus to Arlanda. At the airport when Ivan was going to check in the baggage the controller didn't recognise him in his passport so he asked him for other identification. But he was still not convinced that it were Ivan on the photo. He went to ask someone else and finally they said ok. We sat for a while until he had to go through the passport control. So now he is on his way to you Marce, in less then 24 hours he is going to stand in front of you at the airport!
I was sad when we said goodbye. I could also be on my way to Costa Rica. Meet and hug you all, go to Puerto Jiménez, meet my family. Like Ivan (also Olivia). Why did I start my new work? Why didn't I buy that ticket in September? For the moment I regret it. Now I am on my work at the school. I hate my work and life today!
5 months after US...

That's how I feel it now, maybe a little bit exaggerated he he....or maybe not. By the way! Sorry Mau, you're not in that picture, but of course you were one of those strangers, "más loco que extraño", but, you know... ;)
So, I've been thinking about all of you a lot those last days, probably cause the idea to have Ivan here makes me think about the exchange and our days together. Too bad I haven't met Olivia yet, hope this weekend she will come to my house, we are going to gather and have a FIESTA!!! (well, you know what I mean)
It's funny, because at the begining, when I thought about you, I felt sad and nostalgic because everything was over and we will never see each other again as a group...Now I think it's good, well...that force me to think about how lucky we were, and teached me that every single moment, every small detail could turn in the biggest thing. Don't you feel it like that???
Now when I think of you it's like the opposite, I feel so happy and start to smile and smile and smile...You help me to be happy when I feel bad! I suppose that's my treasure.
In my life everything is fine! I already finished school, so now I'm on vacations untill february!!! Wiiiiiiiiii....But I have to work though :( Well, just three days per week! There is only one thing I've been missing, of course you know what (or who) is it...I think it's been the hardest thing I've done, but it's been also the best one...
Five months after US, I just miss you a lot, but probably and hopefully I will do it always...Cause you're the treasure which gives me reasons to smile.
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! specially Ivan he he ;)
And so it's time...
I been living on stand by this last months and I don't like it, it's not only because I been missing Mar-C every day but also because my life seems a little slow and uninspiring. After this exchange I think some of you might agree with me, well Frida does I think ;)
Tonight it's been stormy and snowing here, the electricity went of a few times last night. So the bad weather is all over Sweden it seems. I hope my train and plane wont be delayed!
I'm leaving in 2 hours now so soon I will hug Frida and later I will kiss my love! I hope you all are doing great and you should know that you are all in my mind every now and then :)
Opi Opi!
The winter has come to Stockholm this weekend. I got so happy when I woke up on Saturday morning looking out of the window when I saw that it was snowing. I love snow. And now when we have snow it's not so dark during afternoons and nights then before. But soon the snow it's going to disappear and it will be wet and muddy.
In two days Ivan is coming to Stockholm before he is going to Costa Rica on Wednesday. I'm so jealous! My secret plan is to take his ticket so I can go, or hide myself in his bag... I want to come back to Costa Rica and meet you all and also go back to Puerto Jiménez and visit my family.
Come on Guys!

The best coordinator ever
my dream
A few days ago I dreamt about you all. It was a really happy dream and everything felt real. veryone were in my dream, at our reunion... I remember that we all were in my room here in Stockholm. We were talking about memories and looking at the falun movie and saw pictures from Jiménez and Falun. We had fika and ate gallo pinto. You ticos were here in Sweden for roundtrip for some weeks. When I woke up I got so happy and for a short time I thought that it was in real...
Great moments

Hi people!!!
Hi people...how fuck are you doing!?
Yeah...This is the first time I write here, I had to call Marce becouse I did not how to do it.
I am not dead...hahaha.
I have seen some of your letters, all of them are very nice.
What can I say about my life? I am studing for being a teacher (my students are going to lesrn about history of heavy metal,haha).
I have met cool people, moust of them are girls,ups...but Helene,do not be gelous they are not special as you are.
What else...let me see...I bought a CD in Svarige, and I was listening the same song every morning and now when I listen that song again it makes me feel something weird, and is that I am not enymore in my room in Falun.
Also I miss all of you motherfuckers...when I take a look to my pictures I start to think about the great time we had together, we were like a family and I miss that feeling.
Oh Karin my special sister...I miss her so much! I learned so much of you.
Oh helene my bebe...I miss your brave, I realy admire you.
Oh Frida the little sister...I miss your smile, is very cute.
Oh Anna R...you are so great, there are not so many girls like you
Oh Olivia...the partyanimal...you are very kind and cute, you are in CR but I havent see you.
Oh Anna O...I am going to take some of your methods for controlling students...great girl!
Oh Ivan...The man from the mountains, cool guy, smart and Marce`s dream
And you Ticos...demasiado tuanis todos uds...la verdad, Mau,Marce,Vero,Andrey,Luis y Eilin...cuidense!!!
No los describo como son ustedes porque se me cagan...varas, muy pura vida.
the friends, the love

It's just an ocean in between us
Fika con Frida in Växjö
When we got home, pretty late we went to bed, talking for hours and then I tried to sleep. Frida was dreaming a lot! She took all of the quilt and talked while she was sleeping, but I couldn't really find out what she was saying.
During the Saturday whe went to Växjö city and did some shopping, I bought an iron, wich I really needed, now I can use my nice clothes again. I showed Frida around the University area, called Campus. We cooked, a way to spicy (!) chicken stew with an influence from India and later we got ready for a party. But of course as always in Sweden we must have a preparty. We met some of my friends, drank some wine and later we partied and danced for hours at Sivans, the pub. Around three o'clock in the morning we went to Statoil to have a french hotdog ( do you swedes recognize yourselves in these habits?).
On Sunday we woke up at 12.30 and we went straight for the lunch! Since it was raining (as always in this town, the climate reminds me of England or something) we watched tv, played Yatzy, enjoyed a fika con Frida and finally I said goodbye to Frida at the trainstation.
Now, i'm just counting the days until we'll see eachother again.

andreycito es un papacitoo
Hu mur du mamacitas and papacito
Hola chicos suecos, quiero que sepan que fue una bonita experiencia, HA SIDO DE LAS MEJORES COSAS QUE ME haberlos conicido y haber compartido con ustedes en los 6 meses que estuvimos juntos.
Esta experiencia cambio muchas cosas en mi vida, durante y el despues de haber finalizado el intercambio, quiero que sepan que ustedes han sido grandes amigos, a todos los quiero, todos significan algo importante en mi vida.
Gracias al intercambio gane cosas positivas y negativas en mi vida, entre lo bueno fue que los conoci, creci como ser humano, mejore muchas cosas personales, realice cosas que nunca habia realizo en mi vida, muchas de esas cosas Ivan me ayudo, a el le agradezco mucho. Tambien perdi cosas durante el intercambio pero alavez me di cuenta como son las personas, como cambian en poco tiempo y los crueles que son, pero en esta vida dios nos tiene un proposito especial para cada uno, el mismo destino hace que se desechen las malas personas de la vida, y con el tiempo llegan nuevas amistades mejores y que valen la pena.
Cuando llegue a CR los extrane mucho y bueno todavia los extrano, a IVAN, FRIDA, EMMA, KORIN, OLIVIA, JUANA, HELENE Y ANNA, me parecia increible que hace unos dias estaban conmigo y ya no los tengooo, escuchaba sus voces en mi mente, recordaba todos los momentos lindos que vivimos en CR Y en Sweden.

jumping jumping in SVERIGEE, NICEE
jumping jumping en medio de mi una shueca



hej hermano

Aqui con mi loco hermanoo IVAAAAANNNNN




hello suecas

Que mamacitas, modelame asi no mas, POSE POSE POSE

aquii con estas mamacitas en el midsummeer

miss fika con frida, con fofo y felicia...

I miss the fika with all of you, its not the same here in Stockholm all by myself.