Reunion tomorrow, just can't wait to hug you all again!

Do you remember when we Swedes made the Swedish semla in Puerto Jiménez. When we tried to find the Swedish whip cream which is very hard to find when you are abroad. And fofo he made the mandelmassa (almond cream?). And we all ate it at Juanas and Maus place, and we also ate the costarican thing. What was the name? Tonight we bought it and ate it for the first time. It something that we have here in Sweden from middle of January to March.
This is how they should look and taste like, this is the best semla in town. it melts in the mouth. I really recommend this place if you come too Stockholm during season for semlor...
Costarican food...
The blog has got a new look!

Just a funny memory to share with you

first time to jiménez...♥
Today it's one year since we took the bus down to Puerto Jimenez. I was so excited and nervous to meet our new family for three months. I remember when we came there and the families were waiting for us. And the first night, when there was an earthquake in the morning and I didn't understand what it was. I also remember that Doris and Misael took us to the finca the day after to meet the rest of our family. I liked them for the first time, they were so kind and wanted the best for us. ♥

The first minute as partners! <3


The first date!

Dear diary!
It's like 10 o'clock in the evening, I'm totally exhausted. In my room there are ten ticos sitting or dancing to reggaeton. The last two days have been crazy!
We got here on the 20th. Everything went fine, we arrived in a perfectly tempered San José at 9.30 p.m. We went in two mini-vans to a methodist church in Alajuela, half an hour away. It's a really nice place with big rooms and a swimming pool. After some food we passed out in our beds.
I woke up at 6 a.m. and the first thing I saw was a perfectly clear sky and exotic plants. After a cold shower it was time for breakfast - rice, black beans and eggs. Then we went to San José. Katherine was our guide. When we got back the ticos were there. Wow! Chaos! Kisses and Hola over and over again! All the ticos seemed to know each other very well. We played some games and introduced ourselves. After dinner we went to a disco and danced for several hours. Really fun! Ivan and I slept in the ticos' room. It ended up with us sitting up half the night studying Spanish and Swedish. They are so friendly!
The next morning we gathered in the group. Then we got some time off, when Mau and Anna matched the counterparts. After a lot of anxiety we got the answers. Eylin is my counterpart - a wonderful little girl, 17 years old. We got some time to get to know each other, and it worked out very well. I got to listen to her favourite band while she was translating the lyrics. A nice moment! In the evening it was time for the culture shows. The ticos showed some beautiful dances while we were showing them our Lucia and midsummer traditions and dancing to ABBA. After the activities we just hung out and exchanged gifts. I got a nice candle from Monte Verde and some souvenirs.
21 January 2008!
I remember that moment so well, when we first met. I was so scared after one day in San Jose and then when we heard from Mau that you ticos were at the camp. I have never been so nervous in my life. I just wanted to go back home to Sweden. I remember when i saw you, you were standing up there (dancing or screaming?) I hold Karins hand, she was also so nervous. I didn't want to go up and say hello. After that i don't remember what we did. Those days at the camp I just felt so bad and just wanted to go home. We in our room (Karin and I) listened to relaxing CDs every night and morning to calm down a little bit..
After when we went down to Puerto Jimenez by bus. I was scared first night at our family house but then the next day's everything felt much better and I felt so good to be with you all in the group and my family. And now when I look back I remember our time together with happiness. This time together with you was the best time ever in my life!
Miss you all! I will never forget this wonderful experience! PUSSAR!
WiTh LoVe
♥ Mar-C ♥
Puerto Jimenez again

Recognize this place?

We celebrated new years at Frida's families house... but I was really bad at taking photos.

We missed you guys a lot and it was a strange feeling without you!

The recycling was not going as planned...

Mi Mona...

Mar-C's Mono...

Precious sunset!

BIG ass colectivo!

Matapalo beach.

Ants in my legs...

Marcela and the cat.

Juanitas, borachos hasta el culo...

Towards the waterfall!

And it was as nice as last time! Well we missed our partners... Especially Andrey missed Mau a lot ;)
It was a super strange feeling to be there without the group and it was better when we where all there, this time I felt like the tourist I am :P
But It was also very nice to meet all the people and see the changes. Andrey took a lot of photos too that he needs to post here!
I miss you all and hope to see you soon! Kram!

1 year...
Do you know that today one year since we Swedes started our adventure together at Kärsögården. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was so nervous and scared but also excited to start the big adventure with swedes and ticos, with people that I did not know!
I remember our preparations, when we planned our cultural thing, first aid, had lesson about sustainable tourism. And then when Liv and Anna went two days before us. Everything felt so incredible that we were going too...
I want to do it again! Please, can we do it again?
Puerto Jiménez 2008-2009
Last December 29th Ivan and I went down to Puerto Jiménez....We were going to write on the blogg together, but everytime we were going to do it, we just finished doing something else. So I gave up and I promised Helen that tonight I was going to tell you how it was for me to went back to our first host community in the exchange. An this is how it was:
We went early in the morning to take the bus down to Golfito. Yeah, we didn't take the 10 hours bus down to Jiménez, so we would have at least half day more to enjoy and walk around in that small and lovely place. The bus left at 7:00 am from San José, around 12:30 pm we stopped by "Flor de la Sabana" the place where we stopped by with the group to have lunch the first time we were going down, that was the first moment when I started to think about all of you, and I started to miss you a lot...
When we got to Golfito we took a boat to PJ, I had Puerto Jiménez Beach in front of me and then I wondered who was going to be the first person we were going to meet again. I felt so nervous, don't know why, but maybe it was because we (the whole group) were not there, and of course it was not going to be the same.
Finally we were there, so....Ok, we didn't know what to do, we just started walking and decided to go first to visit Doña Ercilia! so she was the choosen one!!! :)
Met here was weird, of course my horses!!! But it was also really nice...Then I felt better, the next ones were my family at El Mini Tigre (but they were not there) Ivan's familiy (but they were not there either) and Frida's familiy. OH YES! they were there....I was so happy to see Michelle again!!! and I think she was too he he...
Then we just had a walk around the Boulevar. Now they are building something, like a small place next to the beach to go down and sit there having a "Tropical de Mora" they are also paving the road with cobbles and it looks really nice, but it also looks like "development" it's getting in to Jimenez and of course it makes me worry about that.
Next day was a "lazy day'2, we just walked around and visited Susana who is working at Juanita's and spent some time with Angelica going to the crocodile place in Parrot Bay, then we met Diego! just for a few minutes...
Wednesday was New Years Eve, so we went to Evaristo's house, they where really nice on inviting us to have dinner with them...
At that time I was missing the group a lot, everything reminded me the group, just walking around, going to Super BM, passing by Banco Nacional, listening to the Lapas, looking the Lapa Rios cars going around with their fancy guests, meeting some people and it felt like we (the whole group) were going to be there again, but it was not going to happen.
Thursday we went to Playa Preciosa, and spent the whole day there, we were just talking and eating coconut and went back walking to PJ in the evening (ok! we took a ride in half of the way, it was kind of late when we were walking back but it was beautiful)
Next day we went to take the Colectivo to Matapalo, and suprise!!!! now the changed the colectivo cars for just one "Big Colectivo" which is "demasiado chiva!!!" So we went to Matapalo and spent the day there, we stayed there in a small and nice hotel, and went back on saturday afternoon to PJ after a fresh bath in one of the Matapalo's Waterfalls, just to rest a little bit and meet Fofo and Andrey....we spent that night with them at Juanitas, we also went to La Taberna, but it was so dead that we went back to Juanitas :)
On Sunday I came back in the Jimenez bus at 5 am , but I couldn't find tickets to go sit, so the first 5 hours in the bus I was standing up...Finally I got to San José and went back home. Ivan, Andrey and Fofo stayed in PJ untill Wednesday, but I can't tell you what hapened cause I wasn't there :P
Between the curiosities I saw:
The recycle centers: they were completely useless :( Broken or just thrown like trash...
Café De La Onda: it doesn't exist anymore... :(
The Basket Ball Field: the rings were still there!!! :) But now I think they are using it as a mini-football field :(
Mango Real: it's still there, but they stopped using the pool. there is not enough people going to afford the maintenance
of the swimming pool :(
The Main street: it's paved!!! :) so now it's not so dusty in the morning...
Show Man: He is not there anymore...!?!? Hmmmm
The Beach: they cut down some trees, and now ther are more "mesitas" to go and sit there, they also opened a restaurant in front of the beach where they rent surf boards!!! (Ok, in Jimenez????)
The airport: is paved too!!! and looks nicer... :)
The playground: it looks like abandoned :( I reckon no one is using it
Things had changed...But the biggest change I felt was you. It was not the same to be there again, but it also felt like I was back in time, I wished we could be there again and enjoyed one of the best times in my life....
I still miss you a lot!!! And I hope someday I will see you all again....
P.D: the pics will come later!!! :) sorry, but Ivan haven't taken them from the cam....Puss!!!
I can't wait until someone of you (Marce, Ivan, Andrey, Fofo) write about your trip to Jiménez and put up photos.
Please do it now!
Our melody
I'm yours
Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me
A lá peaceful melody
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
Ja må du leva!

Six months...

Six months have passed since we said goodbye at Kärsögården, can you believe it? And it's also like one year ago since we first met eachother! In a couple of weeks a new exchange will begin between Falun and this time India, the new participants must be very exited and I think we all know that feeling. I 'm happy for them but also a bit sad that there are coming new people to Falun to replace us, but as I said most of all I'm happy for them and I wish them three exiting months in India and a lovely time in Falun.
Here you can read about what they're up to:
Things you must do in Falun:
- Buy lots of fika at arenan :) and go to concerts and events there
- Take a swim in Runn, even though it's quite cold
- Visit Främby Udde (smygreklam)
- Celebrate valborg at the mine
- Buy a dalahorse
- Party at Banken, Etage or somewhere ells
- Hang out at kolgårn
- Bike around in the town
- Dance around a midsummer pole all night long
- Talk about big life-issues at the bench most far out at Roxnäs Udde
- Take a walk around Tisken
- Play minigolf at Slussen
and of course a lot of other things...
Take care!